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Turn New Year’s Resolutions into Promises

Turn New Year’s Resolutions into Promises

Matthew Cossolotto The Podium Pro Logo — Reach Your Peak Potential

Matthew Cossolotto's The Joy of Public Speaking  Book Cover

Matthew Cossolotto’s The Joy of Public Speaking Book Cover

PEPTalks Logo -- Matthew Cossolotto's Personal Empowerment Programs

PEPTalks Logo — Matthew Cossolotto’s Personal Empowerment Programs

Most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by February. Cossolotto aims to spread the power of promises with new book in 2024 featuring Jack Canfield foreword

There is something uniquely powerful about making a promise that goes beyond traditional goal-setting. Setting a promise takes it to a new dimension. We are neurologically wired to keep our promises.”

— John Assaraf, best-selling author and renowned personal development expert

OBERLIN, OHIO, UNITED STATES, December 27, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — As 2023 draws to a close, millions of people in the United States and around the world are formulating New Year’s resolutions for 2024.

This well-meaning, but often futile, annual ritual inspired American actress and director Joey Lauren Adams – known for her roles in popular films such as “Chasing Amy” and “Big Daddy” – to compose a tongue-in-cheek blessing: “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.”

With Adams’ humorous observation in mind, Matthew Cossolotto – author of The Joy of Public Speaking – offers the following unsolicited advice for the coming year: “Resolutions don’t work. Various surveys have shown that most resolutions are abandoned by February. So I urge people to turn New Year’s resolutions into New Year’s promises. Why? Because a promise is more powerful, more binding than either a resolution or a goal.”

To underscore the power of making a promise, Cossolotto cites this familiar, painful-sounding rhyme from his childhood in the United States: “Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.”

“That catchy little rhyme never failed to get my attention,” recalls Cossolotto. “It drove home the message that making a promise was serious business. I’m here to tell you that making and keeping promises is not just for kids.”

Cossolotto believes that a promise is like a goal or resolution on steroids. It comes from the heart, whereas goals and resolutions are more cerebral. By making a heartfelt promise, people feel more accountable. Their integrity is on the line. They have some emotional skin in the game.

“I Made a Promise to My Mother on Her Deathbed”

Cossolotto talks about a life-changing promise he once made: “I made a promise to my mother on her deathbed that I would finish writing a book she had been encouraging me to write and dedicate it to her memory. Her face lit up and she said: ‘You do that, Matthew. You do that. This makes me very happy.’”

Cossolotto knew right away that failure was not an option, that he had crossed the proverbial Rubicon. There was no turning back or making excuses.

“I’m proud to say I kept that promise,” continues Cossolotto. “It put me on my current path as an author, speaker, and coach. My mission is to spread the power of making a promise to millions of people around the world.”

The Joy of Public Speaking is the first book in Cossolotto’s personal empowerment trilogy. Two additional books are planned for publication in 2024. Harness Your HabitForce highlights the seven habits of FAILURE and SUCCESS. Embrace Your Promise Power features an extensive foreword by Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series.

As part of his speaking and coaching business, Cossolotto recently launched a new website (www.MatthewCossolotto.com), complete with a demo video and a lineup of Personal Empowerment Programs (PEPTalks). His overriding goal is to help his audiences and clients replace negative, disempowering habits of thought with positive, empowering mindsets. This approach applies to all three power tools in his Triad Empowerment System – Habits / Speaking / Promises – and his trilogy of books on these topics.

As Jack Canfield (https://www.jackcanfield.com) writes in his foreword to Embrace Your Promise Power: “When Matthew first told me about the heartfelt promise he made to his mother… I was hooked. There was something very attractive, almost magnetic, about this concept. And I say that as somebody who has been intimately involved in the personal development field for many years. I’ve seen and heard just about everything… With a promise your heart and emotions are fully engaged. Because of this, a promise is what I call a personal empowerment ‘twofer.’ It combines The Power of Intention with The Law of Attraction.”

A case in point is the promise U.S President Joe Biden made to his son, Beau, who was losing his battle against brain cancer. In his book (Promise Me, Dad) President Biden recounts that Beau asked his father to promise that he would be OK after Beau passed away, that he would not use Beau’s death as a reason to turn in but as a reason to turn out, to continue to be engaged and not to withdraw from public life. Cossolotto believes Joe Biden decided to run for President of the United States at least in part because he made that heartfelt promise to his son.

Cossolotto concludes: “Fortunately, the power of a promise is something all people can readily access. And they can easily do so by turning goals and resolutions into heartfelt promises. Making a promise is a secret weapon in the personal empowerment arsenal. If people really want to make positive changes in their lives in 2024 and beyond – lose weight, get fit, travel, start a business, find that dream job, learn a foreign language, quit smoking, or write a book – the first step is to make a heartfelt promise. This unleashes an irresistible force that will help them follow through. Remember this: People can change a goal or resolution but they can only break a promise. And most people are loath to break their promises.”

Cossolotto’s Promise-Related Articles in Brussels-based Together Magazine

Here’s a link to Cossolotto’s more detailed Together Magazine articles about turning resolutions and goals into promises:


More About Matthew Cossolotto

Cossolotto’s high-level leadership communications career spans the corridors of power and influence on both sides of the Atlantic. He served as a speechwriter for top officials at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and for the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also worked as a legislative assistant for Congressman Leon Panetta. In addition, he has coached and penned speeches for many corporate and academic leaders – from the Chancellor of UCLA to CEOs and other senior executives at GTE (now Verizon), AT&T, IBM, Pepsi-Cola, MasterCard, LaFarge, and many more.

To book Matthew Cossolotto as a speaker or speech coach, visit www.MatthewCossolotto.com.

Matthew Cossolotto
The Podium Pro
+1 440-597-9018
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/677280782/unsolicited-advice-from-author-and-guest-speaker-matthew-cossolotto-turn-new-year-s-resolutions-into-promises

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